Monday, 18 November 2019

Java concepts to brush up before going for interview

1) Core java
1)  JVM  Architcture
2)  Java Memory Management 
3)  Garbage Collection
4)  String comparison(==,equals method), String pool, why String        immutable, String in HashMap
5)  Oops(Polymorphism,Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance)
6)  SOLID principles
7)  static & final & finalize & finally
8)  Immutability and implementation
9)  Exception Handliing (types checked, unchecked, in       polymorphism context)
10) Autoboxing, Unboxing & Wropper classes
11) Serialization, Serial Version UID
12) Multhithreading (Thread creation, producer Consumer problem inter thread comm, local thread, volatile, synchronization)
13) Concurrency (Thread pool, Executor Service, countdown latch, cyclic barier, callable vs Runnable.)
14) Collection(List, Set, Map implementations and internal implementation)
15) comparator vs comparable
16) Java 8 (Function programming, Lambdas, stream api, Date api)
17) equals vs hashcode methods
18) Basic programms

2) Design Patterns
1)  Creational
1) Singlton
2) Factory
3) Abstrct Factory

2)  Structural
1) Adopter
2) Composite
3) Proxy

3)  Behaviaral
1) Template
2) Observer
3) Stratagy

3) Security
1) Spring security
2) Oauth 2
3) JWT

4) Data Structures
1) Arrays(1 and 2 dimentinal)
2) Stack(LIFO)
3) Queue(FIFO)
4) Linked List(Singly & Doubly), find the middle element, check is double
5) Hash Table (Hasing technique
6) Trees(Binary trees, tree traversal)
7) Graphs

5) Algorithems
1) Arrays (find number, find duplicate, 2 numbers sum given number, prime number without 2 loops, String combinations,...)
2) Searching
3) Sorting

6) Spring
1) Spring IOC
2) Spring AOP
3) Spring MVC
4) Spring Rest
5) Spring ORM,JDBC
6) Spring Boot
7) Spring Could
8) Spring Transction mgmt

7) WebServices
 1) Diff b/w Rest vs Soap
1) Restful
2) Soap

8) Microservices
1) Monolithic Vs Microservices
2) Advantages & Disadvantages
3) How to monitor microservices
 4) where do you store logs in microservice
5) Can you define microservices
6) Steps that need to take to convert monolithic project to microservice
7) Communication between service

9) Hibernate
1) pros and cons over jdbc
2) load vs get , lazy loading and proxy
3) Mappings like association and Inheritence mapping(oneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToMany)
4) Cache
5) commit vs flush
6) Transaction
7) Object states

10) SQL
1) sql DDL 
2) DML queries
3) Sql constraints (Unique, Primary, composit primary..)
4) Agrigate functions
5) Group by & Having & Order By
6) Row Num vs Rank Vs DensRank
7) Partition
8) Normalization
9) pivote

11) NoSql
1) MongoDB ( sql vs Nosql, Why/When we need to use nosql)

12) Messaging
1) ActiveMq (Queue, Topic)
2) JMS ( OneToOne, OneToMany pub sub)
3) Kafka (Kafka Cluster, Prtition, replica, incync replica)

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Performance Testing using JMeter

What is JMeter? Why it is used?

The Apache JMeter is pure Java open source software.

Which was first developed by Stefano Mazzocchi of the Apache Software Foundation, designed to load test functional behaviour and measure performance.
You can use JMeter to analyse and measure the performance of web application or a variety of services.
Performance Testing means testing a web application against heavy load, multiple and concurrent user traffic.
 JMeter originally is used for testing Web Application or FTP application. Nowadays, it is used for a functional test, database server test etc.
Why JMeter?

Features of JMeter:

Open source license: JMeter is totally free, allows developer use the source code for the development.

Friendly GUI: JMeter is extremely easy to use and doesn't take time to get familiar with it.

Platform independent: JMeter is 100% pure Java desktop application. So it can run on multiple platforms.
Full multithreading framework. JMeter allows concurrent and simultaneous sampling of different functions by a separate thread group.

Visualize Test Result: Test result can be displayed in a different format such as chart, table, tree and log file
Easy installation: You just copy and run the *.bat file to run JMeter. No installation needed.

Highly Extensible: You can write your own tests. JMeter also supports visualization plugins allow you to extend your testing

Multiple testing strategy: JMeter supports many testing strategies such as Load Testing, Stress Testing, Distributed Testing, and Functional Testing.

Simulation: JMeter can simulate multiple users with concurrent threads, create a heavy load against web application under test

Support multi-protocol: JMeter does not only support web application testing but also evaluate database server performance. All basic protocols such as HTTP, JDBC, LDAP, SOAP, JMS, and FTP are supported by JMeter

Record & Playback - Record the user activity on the browser and simulate them in a web application using JMeter

Script Test: JMeter can be integrated with Bean Shell & Selenium for automated testing.

JMeter Elements: Thread Group, Samplers, Listeners, Configuration

What is Element in JMeter?

The different components of JMeter are called Elements. Each Element is designed for a specific purpose.

The figure below gives some common elements in JMeter.

Here, we will discuss the must-know components before we can start Testing in JMeter.
Remaining components will be discussed as when they are used in the succeeding tutorials. The elements discussed in this tutorial are

What is a Test Plan?

Test Plan is where you add elements required for your JMeter Test.
It stores all the elements (like Thread Group, Timers etc) and their corresponding settings required to run your desired Tests.

How to Use JMeter for Performance & Load Testing

Performance Testing is crucial to determine that the web application under test will satisfy high load requirements. It can be used to analyse overall server performance under heavy load.
Apache JMeter testing tool offers following benefit in Performance Testing
JMeter can be used to test the performance of both static resources such as JavaScript and HTML, as well as dynamic resources, such as JSP, Servlets, and AJAX.

JMeter can discover maximum number of concurrent users that your website can handle
JMeter provides a variety of graphical analyses of performance reports.

JMeter Performance Testing includes:

Load Testing: Modelling the expected usage by simulating multiple user access the Web services concurrently.

Stress Testing: Every web server has a maximum load capacity. When the load goes beyond the limit, the web server starts responding slowly and produce errors.

The purpose of the Stress Testing is to find the maximum load the web server can handle.
The figure below shows how JMeter load Testing simulates the heavy load:

Create a Performance Test Plan in JMeter
Before testing the performance of target web application, we should determine-

Normal Load: Average number of users visit your website
Heavy Load: The maximum number of users visit your website

What is your target in this test?

Here is the roadmap of this practical example

Step 1) Add Thread Group
Start JMeter
Select Test Plan on the tree
Add Thread Group
Right click on the "Test Plan" and add a new thread group: Add -> Threads (Users) -> Thread Group
In the Thread Group control panel, enter Thread Properties as follows:
Number of Threads: 100 (Number of users connects to the target website: 100)
Loop Count: 10 (Number of time to execute testing)
Ramp-Up Period: 100
The Thread Count and The Loop Counts are different.
Ramp-Up Period tells JMeter how long to delay before starting the next user.
 For example, if we have 100 users and a 100-second Ramp-Up period, then the delay between starting users would be 1 second (100 seconds /100 users)

Step 2) Adding JMeter elements
HTTP request Default
This element can be added by right-clicking on the Thread Group and selecting: Add -> Config Element -> HTTP Request Defaults.
HTTP Request
Right-click on Thread Group and select: Add -> Sampler -> HTTP Request.
In HTTP Request Control Panel, the Path field indicates which URL request you want to send to Google server.
For example, if you enter "calendar" in Path field. JMeter will create the URL request  to Google server
If you keep the Path field blank JMeter will create the URL request to Google server.
In this test, you keep the Path field blank to make JMeter create the URL request to Google server.
Step 3) Adding Graph result
JMeter can show the test result in Graph format.
Right click Test Plan, Add -> Listener -> Graph Results
Step 4) Run Test and get the test result
Press the Run button (Ctrl + R) on the Toolbar to start the software testing process. You will see the test result display on Graph in the real time.
The picture below presents a graph of a test plan, where we simulated 100 users who accessed on website 
At the bottom of the picture, there are the following statistics, represented in colours:
Black: The total number of current samples sent.
Blue: The current average of all samples sent.
Red: The current standard deviation.
Green: Throughput rate that represents the number of requests per minute the server handled
To analyze the performance of the web server under test, you should focus on 2 parameters
The Throughput is the most important parameter. It represents the ability of the server to handle a heavy load.  The higher the Throughput is, the better is the server performance.

JMeter Timers: Constant, Gaussian Random, Uniform [Example]
What are Timers?
By default, JMeter sends the request without pausing between each request. In that case, JMeter could overwhelm your test server by making too many requests in a short amount of times.
The main goal of using timers is simulating a virtual user’s “think time”. In the world of load testing, “think time” stands for simulating real user behaviour which causes people to wait between interactions with a web application.
Let imagine that you send thousands request to a web server under test in a few seconds. This is what happens!
Timers allow JMeter to delay between each request which a thread makes. A timer can solve the server overload problem.
Also, in real life visitors do not arrive at a website all at the same time, but at different time intervals. So Timer will help mimic the real-time behaviour.
Add Constant Timer
Right-click Thread Group -> Timer -> Constant Timer
Configuring Thread Delay of 5000 milliseconds
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Advanced Load Testing Scenarios with JMeter:
Part 1 - Correlations
Dynamic data is data that is changed when information is updated. For example, session variables connected to authentication mechanisms. This affects website recording, as JMeter needs to know how to capture this dynamic data and reuse it in subsequent requests. Otherwise, playing back the recording will show many errors.

This is where Correlations come in. Correlations is the fetching of dynamic data from preceding requests and posting it to subsequent requests.

Part 2 - Data-Driven Testing and Assertions
Data-Driven Testing

When we run the same query over and over again, the database doesn’t always build new queries, but reuses the previous ones, to improve speed and optimize performance. This caching obstructs our ability to test our scripts.

To avoid this problem, you can incorporate a CSV file with different variables into the JMeter test. The variables are defined in different columns, and these columns can later be referenced in JMeter.

Here we are using the simple Travel Agency demo we always use. The columns are the origin and destination ports, and the rows are ports’ names.

To incorporate the variables, add a CSV configuration element to the test.

Fill in the Filename and the Variable Names, according to the number of columns you have. In this demo we have two columns.

Go back to the sampler and change the parameters names from specific to general syntax. In this example, from London to ${toPort}.

Before running the test, don’t forget to update the thread group. To make sure you are going through all the rows, change the number of loops. Here, we have 5 rows in our CSV file, so we go through 5 loops. 

Now, run the test to make sure it works.

Controllers in JMeter: Loop, Simple, Transaction, Module, Random
What is the Logic Controller?
Logic Controllers let you define the order of processing request in a Thread. It lets you control "when" to send a user request to a web server. For example, you can use Random Controllers to send HTTP requests to the server randomly
Logic Controllers determine the order in which user request is executed.
Some commonly used Logic controllers are below:
Recording Controller:
JMeter can record your testing steps; a recording controller is a placeholder to store these recording steps.
Simple Controller:
Simple Controller is just a container for user request.
Loop Controller:
Loop Controller makes the user request run a specified number of times or run forever as shown in figure:
Random Controller:
Random Controller makes all the user requests run in the random order in each loop period.
For example, you have 3 user requests to website in following order:

HTTP request
FTP request
JDBC request

These 3 requests should run 5 times; Total 5 user requests will be sent to Google server by JMeter.
In sequential order, requests are sent sequentially in following order:
HTTP request ->FTP request->JDBC request
For each loop.
In random order, requests are sent as randomly,
FTP request ->HTTP request->JDBC request
JDBC request ->FTP request->HTTP request
For each loop.
Module Controller:

The goal of Module Controller is to add modularity to JMeter.

The general idea is that web applications consist of small units of functionality (i.e. Logon, Create Account, Logoff...).
This functionality can be stored in Simple Controller as "modules".  Module Controller will choose which module needs to run.
Consider the following scenario -
You want to simulate:
50 users logging out,
100 users logging in
30 users  search 
You can use JMeter to create 3 modules. Each module simulates each user activity: Login, Logout, and Search.
The Module controller chooses which module needs to run.
Other Important Controllers:
Interleave Controller:  picks up and makes one of user request run in each loop of the thread.
Runtime Controller: controls how long its children are allowed to run.
For example, if you specified Runtime Controller 10 seconds, JMeter will run your test for 10 seconds.
Transaction Controller: measures the overall time taken to finish a test execution
Include Controller: is designed to use an external test plan. This controller allows you to use multiple test plans in JMeter. See detail in JMeter Performance Testing.

Loop Controller Example
This section shows you step-by-step instruction to add Loop Controller set to your current performance test plan.
The Loop Controller makes the samplers run as a certain number of times, in addition to the loop value you specified for the Thread Group. For example, if you
Add one HTTP Request to a Loop Controller with a loop count 50
Configure the Thread Group loop count to 2
Then, JMeter will send a total of 50 * 2 = 100 HTTP Requests.
This is the roadmap of this example:
Step 1) Configuring Thread Group
We re-use the Step 1, 2 in tutorial JMeter Performance Testing.
Add Thread Group
          Right click on the Test Plan and add a new thread group: Add-> Threads (Users) ->Thread Group
          But in Thread Group control panel, enter Thread Properties as follows:
          It will make one user request to the web server and run it 2 times.
Add JMeter elements
          Add HTTP request default to
Adding Loop Controller
          Right Click Thread Group -> Logic Controller -> Loop Controller
Step 2) Configuring Loop Controller
Add value 50 to Loop Count field as below figure. It will make one user request to the web server run it 50 times, in addition to the loop value =2, you specified for the Thread Group above.So JMeter will send a total of 2 * 50 = 100 HTTP Requests.
Right click Loop Controller, Add -> Sampler -> HTTP request

How to Perform Distributed Testing in JMeter:

If you have an e-commerce site (or any site for that matter), it’s not uncommon that you would expect a higher level of traffic on certain days, like Black Friday for example. At moments like these, we need to take our load tests to the next level and simulate larger numbers of concurrent users. If we are running our load tests locally with Apache JMeter™, there are certain limitations to the number of users you can run, even if your computer has enough CPU and memory.

How can we create a scenario with more than 800 concurrent users using JMeterOne of the answers is running JMeter in distributed mode. For those of you who have never heard about it, here is a brief explanation.

When we talk about distributing JMeter, we refer to a Master-Slave architecture where JMeter uses Java RMI [Remote Method Invocation] to interact with objects in a distributed network. You can see this in the image below.

Distributed testing enables having a local JMeter (master) that handles the test execution, together with multiple remote JMeter instances (slaves) that will send the request to our target server.

But before being able to run JMeter in a distributed way, there are a couple of simple steps you must perform.

First, we need to have multiple computers.

Then we need to get the JMeter Server running on each slave system that we have. For that purpose we have to execute the jmeter-server.bat (jmeter-server for unix users) that is located in the jmeter/bin. Once we run it we should see something like this:

Functional Testing with JMeter:

JMeter was originally built to provide an open source solution for load and performance testing. However, JMeter can also be used to perform functionality tests on an application’s backend. For example: with JMeter, you can test part of your user registration functionality by testing your system’s APIs and verifying that users are successfully created within your database. Instead of opening a browser and manually entering random data in the provided fields, you can use JMeter to generate an API call with different user names and passwords.

RESTful APIs generally use the GET or POST (with a payload) method of HTTP requests, and either generate properties files from POST requests or JSON files that represent data that you want to move over. Functional testing can be performed with JMeter quite easily, by using a dedicated HTTP or HTTPS sampler. A request sample can be created from data in a tested application - and an external file is then used to provide the different parameters that you’d like to test.

You can also use assertions to configure functional testing in JMeter. Assertions identify if a reply was received from an API, indicating whether the desired data was received or if a process failed. For example: when testing successful user registration, a reply would indicate whether or not a user ID was created.

JMeter can also be used to perform Java unit testing with JUnit. JUnit is natively supported in JMeter, and can be incorporated as part of your overall functional testing strategy. If any JUnit tests were created during software development, they can also be incorporated as part of your testing process. JUnit tests can be used in addition to API calls.